Serving as a CEO or a leader in any organization, regardless of size, can be lonely and difficult. The best thing is that many tools can be used to help you be a better leader. This includes learning on the job, reading books, or getting an MBA. You can join CEO peer groups / CEO network if you want to accelerate that learning curve and be better positioned to learn faster.
This group includes CEOs and, at most times, those running companies of similar complexity and size. They meet regularly to talk and work through different business-related issues. Group members can facilitate the groups or may have an outside professional with great business expertise.
Networking groups and peer groups
Peer groups and networking groups are not the same. Networking groups are informal meetings that organizations or local businesses can set up. A peer group is different in the sense that you may have to pay to join. This is especially true if it is professionally facilitated.
Why you should join CEO peer groups
There are many areas where time and money can be invested. The following are some of the reasons why you should join CEO peer advisory groups:
- Accountability: with CEO coaching, leaders can be held accountable. When running a company, being held accountable is not always easy. Research shows that accountability leads to better performance. Some companies don’t have people or a board to motivate leaders. Peer groups can help here.
- A better way to learn: in-job learning is one of the most valuable things. CEO coaching exposes you to other CEOs as they handle issues that could be affecting businesses. This helps you learn through their experiences. By listening to what issues others are handling and how they work through them, you understand things before dealing with them and learn what to avoid during the business.
- Avoiding mistakes: with mistakes, you gain a lot of wisdom. Regardless of the opportunities and challenges one could face in your business, there are chances that someone else has already been through that and made it through. By listening to other CEOs, you get to learn. They can give you an insight into how they tackled a given issue, which could assist you with ironing out your issue. You also get to learn what to avoid in solving problems. This increases the chances of success.
- Stay ahead: CEO development programs are great. In such a setting, you can listen to your peers and see them handling opportunities and problems you may not have encountered. This is more like taking a sneak peek into the future, depending on where you stand in business. The best thing is that, should you encounter the same issue in the future, you can use the knowledge acquired and handle the issue faster.
- Safe zone: being a CEO can be impossible or tricky, especially when you don’t know something. Admitting to the board or team you are working with that you were wrong about something is not always easy. This is because everyone seems to be looking up to you for guidance. In a CEO peer advisory group, you are in a safe zone. This is the best place to speak confidentially without fear of intimidation. You can show your weaknesses and learn along the way.
- Motivation: peer groups are great for motivation. When you discuss issues within a peer group, you are expected to handle them and give feedback. The group holds you accountable. This motivates you to handle things that you may have been avoiding. Peer groups inspire you to act and solve the issues sooner than later.
- Emotional support: CEO jobs can be lonely. It is helpful to surround yourself with people who understand what it is like to be in a position like yours. CEO peer groups offer emotional support when needed knowing that you are not alone.
The above are some of the critical reasons you should be a part of
CEO peer groups. There is so much value when you associate with
like-minded individuals.
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